Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Between the two poems...

When I read the poem The Four Stages of Man by W.B Yeats, I think that this poem are little bit difficult than As You Like It by William Shakespeare. Although the poem is shorter than William Shakespeare work, it is more difficult to understand.
In As You Like It by William Shakespeare, he remind us about our life where when we were born, until the day that we turn to be senile and then death. It is also describe to us how we are when we were old.
The poem The Four Stages of Man is about four stanzas and had eight lines. The poem is about the four ages of man which is as baby, teenager, adult and the last one old. The first stanza tells about when you are a baby, where you learn how to walk and all.
The second stanza tell us about the life when you were teenager where you follow your heart rather than your mind. In the third stanza the author tell us about life when you were an adult where everything you want to do, you must think about it first and this stages required your mind a lot.
The last stanza is probably when the man was old or the time has come to him to make his way to another life. What I learned from this poem is the author was trying to remind us that death come without knowing whether you are young or old. When the time comes, what ever you do, you must go. So as person who was moving on to their life, we must live our life in a very good way.

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